Display Your Faith in Style with Customized Items

When your goal is to show off your faith in customized style, A God Given Talent has precisely what you need. Whether you're in the market for bedding, linens, clothing, or tote bags, we're happy to assist you. You can customize the following items to meet your needs, as well as many more:


T-shirts are a great way to show off your sense of humor, show off an organization that you belong to, or display your faith. When you purchase a faith-based tee from A God Given Talent, you'll be able to share your faith with the individuals that you meet, without saying a word. We offer numerous Christian shirts in a variety of colors, styles, and patterns so that you can choose the one that's best for you. 

Drinkware and Coasters 

Choose customized drinkware to show off your sense of humor, represent a cause you care about or showcase your family photos. Coasters are also available in a wide variety of prints and colors, as well as customized photo options. Announce the arrival of a new baby with a customized mug, or send family photos to grandma as coasters so she can show them off to guests. She'll love displaying photos without needing to drag out an album each time, and you'll love how easy it is to send a customized gift.  


Showcase your faith with a personalized tote bag displaying your favorite quote or bible verse. Or opt for a bag tag with your initials or personal information printed on it so that your belongings can be easily identified. When you're attending church, youth group, Sunday school, and various conventions, it's vital that you have a bag that is easy to identify and shows off your personality. Opt for one of our unique totes so that you can also show your faith at the same time. These beautiful bags are a lovely way to express yourself while clearly identifying your belongings. 

Customized Towels 

Whether you're attempting to identify towels and washcloths within your family so that each individual has their own, or monogramming towels for the entire household with your surname, customized towels add a touch of luxury. Opt for single larger towels of the color of your choice, or select an entire set for each person in your home. Customized monogrammed towels help keep individual towels separate while allowing you to choose items that perfectly match your bathroom decor.  Be sure to order enough linen for everyone in your family, so that you have what you need when you need it. 

When you're ready to start selecting customized items for your home, contact A God Given Talent. We can provide you with numerous customized items of clothing and decor.
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